Life, News

Experimental and traditional mix at annual VisArts exhibition

TCD Visual Arts Society End of Year Exhibition showcases a wide variety of work from students and staff

TCD Visual Arts Society launched their End of Year Exhibition on Monday March 6th, in the modern and artistically active Temple Bar Gallery + Studios. This year’s opening night featured a performance from the Trinity Belles and an afterparty in

Life, News

Review: TAF’s ‘What Lies in the Woods’

Students were treated to a night of fantasy and intrigue at the culminating event of Fourth Week


Societies Fourth Week culminated in a spectacle of fire and fairytales last night with Trinity Arts Festival’s (TAF) much anticipated ‘What Lies in the Woods’. Tickets sold out in five minutes on Thursday, making it the most popular event of …


Flying solo: coming to Trinity alone

Here some of the best events to attend during Freshers’ Week if you’re coming to Trinity alone.

Deciding to go to college is a massive decision. A new city, new people, a new home, a new environment. All of this can be extremely daunting, but is also beyond exciting! Here’s a collection of some of the go-to