Trinity is considering a proposal to organise College’s, first ever pop-up International Christmas Market to aid the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Assistance Funds. If approved, the market will take place on December 4 2019.
The event would run alongside the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree, though Breda Walls, the Director of Student Services, urged all staff and students in an email to consider participating, stating: “As it is an international market, we encourage participation from all whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Pancha Ganapati, Bodhi Day, Kwanzaa, or maybe even Hogswatch!”
According to the email from Walls, which was circulated to students earlier this evening, “this market will offer students, staff and alumni who craft or create gifts, art, music and more, the opportunity to sell their wares to the College community in advance of the holidays.”
To participate, individuals must send in a small application containing a description of what they intend to sell and “what makes it special”. Individuals are also encouraged to send in photographs of what they intend to sell. If successful, the stalls are free to students. Staff and alumni will be charged a small fee for use of the stalls.
The email also explained that while money will be collected for the Student Assistant Funds, the proceeds individuals make from their sales are theirs to keep.