Last week, Minister for Health Leo Varadkar gave an interview to the Irish Independent, which makes for unsettling reading. In it, he speaks of how increasing the resources allocated to hospitals would actually lead to a worse service overall, as …
Why men’s rights activists need feminism
I am privileged in society due to my gender. I can have loads of sex and no one will think of me as “slutty” or say that I am degrading myself. I do not have to worry so much about …
Queering the knot: marriage equality and the state
On the cusp of Ireland’s long-awaited referendum, Conor Scully interrogates what it would mean for the LGBT community to buy into the institution of marriage.
Next spring, Ireland will finally hold a referendum to decide on marriage equality for same-sex couples. For many, this represents the culmination of decades of hard work and advocacy by fearless campaigners fighting for the basic rights of the LGBT+ …