DU Law Society fundraiser taking place today across campus

Trinity’s LawSoc is fundraising for the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, with collections and five-a-side football

Trinity’s Law Society (LawSoc) is holding fundraisers today across campus for the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC). 

LawSoc has been fundraising for the charity throughout the year, which is culminating in a number of fundraising events and activities taking place today. 

The society will be collecting donations at College entrances until 2pm today, as well as holding a five-a-side football tournament at midday.

Charity Convenor for LawSoc and final year student Julia Best spoke to Trinity News about the society’s fundraising for the DRCC.

Best said: “Today we are fundraising for the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre; it’s our chosen charity for the year. We have held a few events throughout the year; we did an event called Lost which was like a treasure hunt back to Trinity; we did a touch rugby tournament.” 

LawSoc are also holding a raffle throughout the day in the Arts Building.

“Today is called Law Day,” Best continued. “It is a day of fundraising.” 

“We have been out bucket-collecting since 7am until 2pm, we are running a five-a-side starting at midday, and later we are holding a night out at Twenty-Two.”

Speaking about the importance of these fundraising events, Best explained: “Myself and the auditor chose the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre together, we just thought it was such an important issue.” 

“The charity is amazing and does really practical work,” Best added. “There are so many supports.” 

DRCC provide a wide range of services, such as a national 24-hour helpline for victims of sexual violence, one-to-one counseling, an online trauma support programme, and specialised training for professionals and volunteers. 

“The charity has even been so supportive in giving us buckets and signs; they are such a great charity,” Best concluded. “It has been amazing working for them.”

Shannon Connolly

Shannon Connolly is the Editor-in-Chief of the 69th volume Trinity News, and a Senior Sophister student of English Literature and Philosophy. She previously served as Deputy Editor, News Editor and Assistant News Editor.