Life, News

Does God exist?

Enya O’Connell-Hussey reviews the latest debate between Dr William Lane Craig and Dr Daniel Came

It seems about as constructive an argument as debating whether aliens would prefer Mozart or Kenny G. Yet, last night the entire Edmund Burke was filled with people ready to watch two distinguished philosophers debate over the question you’d normally

Life, News

Schols, the Hist, and sixty letters: Ed Burke at Trinity

Now one of Trinity’s most renowned alumni, who was Ed Burke as just another student walking these very cobblestones?

As you walk through Front Gate, you may notice the bronze statue of Edmund Burke standing tall, erected in 1868 by the sculptor John H Foley. From John Joly to Mary Robinson, many have attended Trinity and gone on to


SMF Leadership Perspectives on the power of hard work

The SMF event allowed for audience members to hear thoughts and tips on how to succeed in the modern-day business world.


The Trinity Student Managed Fund’s first event of the year took place yesterday evening in the Ed Burke Theatre. The Leadership Perspectives 2017 event is part of an annual series of leadership events and billed itself as SMF’s premier event