Trinity students find blank timetables on various College services

IT Services identified the issue this morning

Trinity students have been left without timetable information following an IT issue this morning. The issues relate to timetables within the,, and BlackBoard services, leaving many students with blank timetables.

According to IT Services, they are “working to resolve this as a priority and will ensure the information can flow correctly from the internal systems to your timetable”. IT Services advises students to “check with [their] school/course officer for class schedules today”.

This follows one week after many Trinity students, particularly Junior Freshers, were unable to access their BlackBoard accounts for up to a day. IT services noted that the issue was a “system wide problem and not specific to individual students”. The issue restricted access to both the BlackBoard website and mobile app.

Following the restoration of these accounts shortly afterwards, IT Services noted that “a significant number of students, particular Junior Fresh students are still affected and may not be able to log in or see the correct modules”. According to the IT Services website, this issue has now been resolved.

Trinity News learned of various administrative errors plaguing students as Michaelmas term begins. Many students have been unable to view last year’s grades, faced registration delays due to paying the student contribution fee with a grant or loan, or have been unable to access information about erasmus grades and modules.  The difficulties have been seen in a range of courses including Law, Clinical Speech and Language Studies, and Business, Economic and Social Students (BESS). 

If you have experienced administration difficulties with College as the new term starts, email [email protected] with your story.

Peter Kelly

Peter Kelly is the current Assistant Editor of Trinity News. He is a Junior Sophister Law student, and a former Deputy News Editor.