TCDSU launch anti-government voter registration campaign

Under the campaign the union erected a number of posters criticising government policies

Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) have launched an anti-government campaign urging students to register to vote. 

The campaign was launched this afternoon by TCDSU President László Molnárfi and Citizenship Officer Ella Maclennan. 

As part of the campaign the union put up a number of posters around campus criticising government policies. 

One poster placed in the Nassau Street entrance depicts the three coalition party leaders with the caption: “They think students are too lazy to vote. Prove them wrong. Vote them out.” 

In a press release following the launch of the campaign Molnárfi said: “This government has done undeniable harm to our communities. This is not by accident, or by incompetence. The system is working exactly as it is intended to.”

“They follow a neoliberal capitalist economic policy, and represent big capital, vulture funds and corporations, not the people, our communities and workers.” 

“Their policies have seen homelessness grow to unprecedented levels during their time in government, a failing healthcare system, a housing crisis, inaccessible education – and the suffering of so many people” he continued.

“They are committing social murder, by refusing to provide people with the basic necessities”, he added. 

“The time for respectability, lobbying and sitting down with the Ministers for a cup of coffee is over. This government deserves to be called out at every possible occasion, wherever they go. Their representatives deserve to be held accountable in a public way, exposed, shamed and embarrassed in the press.” 

The statement concluded: “Being neutral and lobbying them is not enough – we must, at the next general election, boot them out of power, remove them from their positions, every single last one of them.” 

Charlotte Kent

Charlotte Kent is the Co-News Editor at Trinity News and a Senior Freshman PPES Student.