
Trinity led study highlights flaws in the current methods of diagnosis of mental disorders

Individualised approaches will likely play an important role in future methods

A study led by Trinity Psychologist Dr. Claire Gillan has found that current approaches to the diagnosis of mental illness may not always provide the best way of understanding the underlying neurobiology of mental illness.

Compulsive elements of mental health


Trinity-led genetics research could lead to developments in cancer treatment

Trinity Associate Professor in Genetics Adrian Bracken led the team

A research team led by a Trinity professor has found new biological targets which may allow for the development of new cancer therapies for cancers that develop resistance to existing drugs. 

Trinity Associate Professor in Genetics, Adrian Bracken, led the


The soothing power of nature

Why spending your free time by the cricket pitch might not be such a bad idea after all

Humans are derived from nature. Our evolutionary past dictates that we have a strong attraction to it, but the hustle and bustle of the city can often make us forget the connection we have with living world. Through its complex