
Sleeping rough is tough, one night showed me that

Majella Mc Pharland recounts her experience of the TCDSU organised sleepout, reminding us that this issue is far from resolved

Last Thursday night I was one of the participants in the inaugural sleep out in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust, which was organised by the TCDSU and FLAC. The Peter McVerry Trust works with homeless people and those at


The Murder Victim In Making A Murderer Should Not Be Forgotten

While the popular documentary makes for an entertaining viewing, let us not forget who the real victim in this murder mystery is.

Halfway through episode four of Making A Murderer there is a brief clip showing a television news producer who explains that, “Right now, murder is hot. That’s what everyone wants. That’s what the competition wants and we’re trying to beat …


Mumbai is Right to Say “Yes” to “No-Selfie Zones”

The city has banned selfies in several areas after teenagers fell into the sea posing for a selfie.

COMMENTOn the 13th of January, Mumbai City officials announced that sixteen areas of the city are to be declared “no-selfie zones”. This was in response to a tragic incident in which three teenagers fell into the Arabian Sea while posing