Hello all! DU AstroSoc is delighted to present a new horoscope column in collaboration with Trinity News.
September brings a full moon on the 2nd in Pisces, offering a time to tie up emotional loose ends and to reflect more closely on your feelings. This will help later as the moon falls into conjunction with Mars on the 6th, meaning that tensions could be high, but similarly it could be a very sensual time. The 9th brings a Mars retrograde in Aries, allowing for reflections on sex and anger – now is a good time to be very kind to yourself, and to allow for mistakes as they are going to happen! A new moon in Virgo on the 17th suggests it’s a good time to self-reflect and plan as a new cycle begins again. The sun enters Libra on the September 23, bringing the romantic and lush atmosphere of the Venusian sign.
Romance is in the air as Venus sits in Cancer and transitions to proud Leo, but your ruling planet Mars is not happy this month. It’s a time to reflect instead of rushing into things – think before you act! Make room for forgiveness in your life – for yourself and for others.
Your ruling planet Venus moves into Leo on the 6th, and some new romance may be in the air. Take your time, as you are so wont to do, as the new Moon in Virgo suggests a new beginning. Some secrets may come up later in the month – how well do you think you know your romantic interest?
Gemini’s home, Mercury, zooms around this month, touching Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, and suggests that some difficult communication in your home life may come up. The new Moon may suggest new work for you as the Mars retrograde slows down the pace of life. Now is a good time to reflect on your dreams!
Venus moves from Cancer to Leo on the 6th, perhaps suggesting conflict in a previously harmonious part of your life. The full moon in Pisces on the 2nd of September suggests an important emotional event is taking place, and contrasted with the new moon in Virgo on the 17th may mean there’s some emotions you have to deal with – now is the time! Secrets and sensuality follow later in the month – it will be good to have a strong foundation to face them.
This is a time for financial reflection as Venus moves into Leo on the 6th – Jupiter is direct in Capricorn on the 12th and suggests good fiscal luck! It could also be a suggestion to think about your financial role in your relationships as the Mars retrograde forces you to slow down.
It is your time, Virgo, and the stars suggest it’s time to slow down your hard work and to spend some time caring for yourself. The soft Pisces full moon gives rise to creativity and emotionality – let yourself be taken by it! The new moon in Virgo comes on the 17th which may offer a new romantic beginning, but the Mars retrograde reminds you to take it slow.
This will be a complicated time for your relationships as Mercury crosses through Libra and into Scorpio, and combined with the Mars retrograde may mean there is some passive aggression that needs to be addressed. Aries in Mars and Venus in Leo may incite you to have a short fuse, but as we settle into Libra season later in the month, you may feel more in control. There will be a great movement of energy on the 22nd – think before you speak!
This is a time of prowess for you, Scorpio, as Pluto sits in Sagittarius, suggesting a time for growth and initiative. The full moon on the 2nd may bring rise to new creative ideas, which are further realised as the moon renews in Virgo. Again, the Mars retrograde offers a time for reflection and temperance, but as Mercury enters Scorpio on the 28th, this may be a good time to work on communication and daily routine – inject some fun into your life!
As your ruling planet, Jupiter, leaves retrograde on the 12th, you should feel a sense of renewal – now is the time to move forward with financial ventures, or perhaps a new job. Luck will be on your side, especially as the Sun moves through Libra on the 22nd, coinciding with the Autumn equinox. Don’t forget to balance your work with pleasure!
Saturn sits at home in Capricorn this month, which may leave you overly focused on work and finance. Try and catch the creative wave on the 2nd with the Pisces full moon, and follow the lush and vibrant energy Leo in Venus has to offer from the 6th. It’s a good time to learn, but try and do so without pressuring yourself. This is the time for languid self-reflection – so no pressure!
This may be a time to clean out the house as the Sun moves through Virgo, but as your home Neptune sits in Aquarius, it is also a time to employ some creative thinking. Saturn in Capricorn can be overly serious and work orientated – but there is room for balance in your hard work, and creativity in your learning. Romance lingers as relationships complicate – try not to be so serious!
You have been having fun, Pisces, as the full moon settles in your sign on the 2nd. Try and tie up any loose ends, especially in regards to romance and money. There may be a restlessness with the Mars retrograde, but it will force reflection whether you want to or not. Open yourself to new experiences and try and exert caution with large financial decisions – now is not the time.