Shannon McGreevy was elected Chair of the Trinity Publications committee this evening in the committee’s first in-person Annual General Meeting (AGM) since 2019.
McGreevy is a Junior Sophister Biochemistry student and Online Editor of Trinity News, having previously served as Secretary of Trinity Publications. McGreevy will take over from incumbent chair Grace Gageby who currently serves as Assistant Editor of Trinity News.
Speaking today, McGreevy said she hopes “to follow in Gageby’s footsteps” and “bring enthusiasm to this position”. She cited her experience working in Trinity Publications and Trinity News as “invaluable” to her as an international student. She aims to “really encourage undergrads to get involved in [Trinity Publications] in their first two years at College”.
Elections for other positions on the executive committee also took place at the meeting.
Ellen Kenny, a Senior Fresh Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology (PPES) student, will serve as Treasurer, having previously served as Alumni Officer. Kenny said she hopes to “organise more social events while keeping costs low” during her term.
Lara Mellett, a Senior Fresh English student was elected Secretary, and said she is “highly enthusiastic” for the role. She added that she is aiming to focus on “efficient and effective communication internally within Trinity Publications and externally to the wider student body”.
Kate Henshaw, a Junior Sophister Sociology and Social Policy student, will serve as Alumni Officer. She currently serves as News Editor for Trinity News. Speaking today, Henshaw said she hopes to “create a network and maintain connections” alongside an “‘Alumni speakers series’ to really harness the power of our alumni students”.
Ella Sloane, a Senior Fresh student of English and Sociology, was elected Public Relations Officer (PRO). Sloane currently serves as Student Living Editor for Trinity News, as well as Deputy Art Editor in TN2 and Art Manager in Misc. Speaking at the meeting, Sloane said she plans to “collaborate with the Alumni Officer to create a newsletter for alumni”. She also plans to “revamp the social media platforms” and make them more “accessible using [her] artistic skills”.
Since no candidates put themselves forward for the role of Amenities Officer, nominations will reopen to be voted on at an EGM later in the year.
Trinity Publications is one of Trinity’s five capitated bodies, which receive funding from College through the Capitations Committee. The other four are Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU), the Graduate Students’ Union (GSU), the Central Societies Committee (CSC), and Dublin University Central Athletic Club (DUCAC).
Publications uses its funding to support student-run publications and magazines including Trinity News, Icarus, TN2 and the Piranha.
The AGM was held this evening in the Trinity Publications office in House Six.