Food & Drink

Hostess with the Mostess

Alice Moynihan delves into the how to of hosting

What is a host? Consecrated bread, the victim of a parasite, a large number of something, or an individual who entertains guests, whether that be by culinary means or general entertainment. Hosting, as with most other domestic activities, is still

Arts & Culture
Image via Broad Strokes Improv Instagram

B.S. INCORPORATED: We’re Serving Climate Review

Alice Moynihan reviews the winner of ‘Spirit of Wit’ award, B.S. INCORPORATED: We’re Serving Climate

Improvised to perfection, Broad Strokes play a group of company executives, hell bent on getting their investors (the audience) to endorse their new eco-friendly product (a hoover). The fivesome have comedic timing mastered as they chaotically move about the stage,

Life, Student Living
Students walking on the Front Square of campus with the Campanile in the background

Unity in diversity: an international campus

Through reflecting on her own experience, along with that of her international friends, Alice Moynihan delves into the inherent benefits of diversity on campus

There’s a lot we are not introduced to in Ireland unless we purposely seek it out, like diverse histories, spaces, cuisines, and cultures. Often, students in secondary school do not have friends of different ethnicities. The spectrum of friendships in

Arts & Culture

100 years in Valletta

Alice Moynihan encourages Trinity students to visit Malta’s baroque masterpiece

First inhabited around 5200 BC by stone age farmers, likely from Sicily, and later taken over by the Phoenicians who sailed there from Lebanon, Malta is a tiny island nation often overlooked despite its capital’s unique UNESCO heritage status. Valletta