Reintroducing birds of prey to Ireland

Regaining a vital link in our food chains and ecosystem

Improving biodiversity and the rejuvenation of our natural ecosystems have been at the forefront of conservation efforts of late. These actions play a significant role in our global plans to halt and reverse the effects of climate change. We are

Sunday Longread: Hand sanitiser and soap usage during the pandemic will have real environmental impacts

Researchers from Trinity have quantified the effect new hygiene practices will have on our climate, and subsequently our health

A Trinity-led study has found that our increased use of hand sanitisers and soaps during the pandemic will have some knock-on effects on our climate. Hand sanitiser, which before March 2020 was mainly used only in hospitals and healthcare settings,

Mental illness might not all be in your head…

Current research suggests a new way to look at mental illness may be through the gut microbiome

The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) contains a diverse collection of microorganisms known as the gut microbiota. Trillions of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and archaea, currently reside in the GIT and have been linked to play a critical role in gut-brain communication

The games industry continues to consolidate

Blizzard is to be added to Microsoft’s ever-growing catalogue

Video games have always been popular, but since the start of the pandemic the rise in gaming across all consoles and platforms has increased dramatically. By June 2020, we saw a 39% increase in the time we spend gaming globally. …

Schrodinger’s controversy: a room with and without a name

A look at the past, present, and future of the Fitzgerald building’s most famous theatre

This article contains discussion of sexual abuse, including of children.

Even for the most casual physicists, the name Schrödinger likely rings a faint bell of recognition. Austrian-born Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) is revered as a pioneer of quantum mechanics; best known

Microscope lens

Professor Schmitt urges people to send their ideas to the Creating Our Future campaign

The campaign is looking to establish how research can help “meet the opportunities and challenges facing our society” over the coming years

Last week, Professor Wolfgang Schmitt, Dean and Vice-President for Research at Trinity, welcomed the launch of the Creating Our Future campaign, and urged more individuals to submit their ideas before the closing date of November 30 . 

In July of