
What I’m Really Thinking: Limited edition access to a final year student’s thought process

As students flock to the pav and the cherry blossoms begin to bloom, Blaithin Sheil looks back at her time in Trinity

So what’s the plan? What are you going to do? Are you talking about this summer, or, like, life? Every final year student hates being asked what is next. It only reminds you that you don’t know, and that you’re


What Apollo House tells us about Ireland

Bláithín Sheil explores the context behind Apollo house and what it says about Irish society

“No, Apollo House is not enough. It is like putting a plaster on the wound, dealing with the symptom but not with the cause”

Moving into Apollo House was not an appropriate response to the housing crisis, said Owen Keegan,


Power to the people? Reinstate 48 and Irish politics

Just how useful could Article 48 be to Irish politics in the here and now?


Looking at the maelstrom that is our current legislature, the French Third Republic comes to mind. When it was established in the late nineteenth ­century, our Gallic cousins were plagued by a lack of consensus amongst the republicans and the …


The SU should prioritise Trinity issues rather than national issues

Bláithín Sheil argues that the SU should leave controversial politics to be expressed by cause-specific groups.


The Students’ Union is elected by Trinity students to work in their interest and to represent them as members of the College community.

Similarly, the Dáil is elected by the citizens to represent the views of the people in important


‘Put them where we can’t see them’

Recent objections to the opening of a new homeless shelter on Fitzwilliam Street Lower are a damning indictment of Dublin business.

comment1It seemed that we had finally come to terms with the fact that there is a homeless crisis in Dublin. We recognised its existence, and authorities had finally begun to deal with it. People showed their support by donating to …