The chance to give back should never be sniffed at, and fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for students to do so through the numerous charitable organisations run by Trinity students on campus.
Trinity Vincent de Paul
Arguably the most notable of charities operating on the Trinity campus, Trinity Vincent de Paul (VDP) runs activities to assist at-risk adults and children throughout Ireland. Programs tailored towards primary school children include homework, drama, and sports clubs. There are also other areas in which Trinity VDP specialises, such as days out for young children and the annual charity panto. With over 10,000 people homeless in Ireland, Trinity, as well as other branches of VDP, is on the frontline, helping some of the most vulnerable people in Irish society. VDP, along with an Cumann Gaelach and DU Amnesty, coordinates the Trinity teams in the annual Jailbreak event, which sees teams of two compete to reach “location X” first without spending a single penny of their own money. For those concerned about their lack of experience in charitable work, Trinity VDP welcomes volunteers of all levels of experience.
Enactus TCD
Enactus is an international student organisation which seeks to enable university students to create and implement social entrepreneurial projects that benefit their local communities. Ireland is one of 36 countries where Enactus operates, with the Irish branch founded in 2011. Students have the opportunity to be creative and imaginative while also making a positive difference in both the local and global community. Each student’s project is assessed on the merit of whether it makes a difference and they even have the opportunity to compete globally against other teams.
Voluntary Tuition Programme
Trinity’s Voluntary Tuition Programme (VTP) has been a feature of Trinity for over 30 years. VTP is a student-community partnership between Trinity students and parents, and volunteers from Pearse Street and Ringsend to promote education among school pupils. Every year, VTP matches TCD students, staff, and graduates with children studying in nearby schools. These pairs spend an hour per week working together on homework and other educational activities.
Trinity Cancer Society
Trinity Cancer Society aims to raise awareness about cancer across campus and to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. The society runs charitable events throughout the academic year, including table quizzes and sports days. The annual Naked Calender which sees members of various college clubs and societies bare all for charity, is also organised by Trinity Cancer Society.
SUAS seeks to address educational disadvantage in Ireland and around the world. The charity also runs a publication that raises awareness of global issues in inequality. SUAS Trinity gives students the opportunity to volunteer abroad as teaching assistants in some of the most economically marginalised regions in the world. Various teaching workshops are also held to ensure that students receive adequate training in making a positive impact outside of the college community.