After only a few short weeks of Hilary term, societies show no sign of slowing down with a range of events in store this week. It’s Éigse na Tríonóide, which means events in the Irish language will be plentiful, as well as it being the week of Trinity Arts Festival. Kicking off Éigse na Tríonóide, there will be a free breakfast on Monday morning at 10am in Seomra na Gaeilge. DUPA will be holding a portrait workshop in collaboration with Trinity Arts Festival, who will be hosting their opening concert on Monday evening with Trinity Orchestra. LawSoc will be hosting a comedy debate with lecturers and students on the motion “This House Believes the Hamilton performs no valuable function”. For those interested in improving public speaking and debating skills, a chamber speaking workshop will be held by the Hist with Marguerite Bolger SC from 5:30-7pm. An evening with Tradsoc will commence at 6:30pm in Seomra na Gaeilge for some traditional Irish fun. Keep an eye on the Éigse event and the Trinity Arts Festival event on Facebook for a full line up of the events of the week.
Tuesday sees the launch of SUAS magazine in the Douglas Hyde Gallery at 6:30pm with the coordinator of the Movement of Asylum Seekers Ireland, Lucky Khambule, in attendance. For something a bit different, Q Soc are screening Dolor y Gloria at 6:30pm in the Arts Building, while Pirate Party are hosting a talk on data ownership in the Maxwell Theatre in the Hamilton Building from 6-7pm.
On Wednesday at 6pm, Dr Dawn Chatty will be speaking to Trinity Global Development Society about European approaches to granting asylum. If this talk infects you with the social justice bug, then head to the Thomas David Theatre at 7pm, where Senator Lynn Ruane will be chatting about social issues with Trinity VDP. The former Trinity Students’ Union president and seasoned activist will undoubtedly have plenty of tips for budding student lobbyists.
At 7pm on Thursday, Trinity Literary Society will be hosting a speakeasy in J.W. Sweetman, during which students have the opportunity to read out their written works, whether that is poetry, short fiction, or drunken 3am musings on your phone’s notes app. If your literary skills are not up to scratch, you can head instead to Philip Lane’s talk at midday, which will be hosted by the Phil. As the ECB chief economist, Lane will be presenting an address on The Future of the European Economy. Let’s hope that his predictions are positive, as we students could all use a little extra cash! If you’re looking for something a little more arty, Q Soc are taking a tour of the National Gallery of Ireland at 3pm on Thursday to explore the history of queer art.
Finally, if you do not have any Valentine’s Day plans, fear not, because you can head to Trinity Arts Festival’s closing prom party in Bello Bar. You never know, you might even lock eyes with a handsome, paint-covered stranger! With music from Banríon, Isaac Jones and the Part-Time Lovers, and Cooks But We’re Chefs, it’s guaranteed to be a great night. Alternatively, for all of the patriots out there, on Friday afternoon Cumann Gaelach TCD are taking to the Global Room to run an Irish cultural workshop. What else would you be doing on a Friday afternoon?