Life, News

No money, no problem

If you run low on money as the holidays stretch on, here is a list of free Dublin attractions to fuel your need for a city adventure.

Summer can be tough on your bank account at times; whilst the majority of people who stay in Ireland for summer are working to save money, it’s general knowledge that the day after payday can be a harrowing experience. You

Life, News

Sisters are doing it for themselves

Georgina Francis reviews Saoirse Anton and Aine Palmer’s production of Eve Ansler’s famous 1996 play

The Vagina Monologues was a profound and intriguing experience which I will undoubtedly remember for the rest of my life. Directed by Saoirse Anton and Aine Palmer each monologue was witty with a serious message performed by a passionate group …


Fundraising with Father Ted: S2S Comedy gig

S2S managed to raise more than just money at their RAG week event last night, hosting the beloved Eoin McLove and Father Damo at the Laughter Lounge


RAG week: a week dedicated to raising and giving money to the charities around us. And what better way to raise money than at an outrageous comedy event? The Laughter Lounge by O’Connell Bridge hosted the Father Ted headliners Patrick