
‘Apolitical’ Activism: the smaller societies in search of change

Trinity News spoke to two smaller societies about the community work they do on campus.

The CSC, or Central Societies Committee, requires that a society “may not be a charitable organisation or political group”; they maintain the right to limit the actions and structures of college societies in line with this principle. “In 2019,”


Back home early: when Erasmus goes wrong

Trinity News speaks to students who chose to leave their Erasmus programmes about the systemic problems that pushed them back to Trinity

(The students interviewed have been named after members of the Spice Girls in order to protect their identities.)

“I really didn’t want to quit,” Victoria said, “but I was dreading going back.” When Victoria, a Joint Honours student on exchange


Gianna Care: Misinformation on a bathroom door

How one anti-abortion agency is using stickers, a staple of campus, to market itself as a women’s health organisation

There are so many stickers and posters dotted around campus that they become easy to ignore. The battle for our attention never seems to stop and the backs of bathroom doors are a consistently popular target for advertising new societies,

Sex & Relationships

A long hard look at Love Languages

Hazel Mulkeen questions the love languages, and asks why we place so much value on them

If you’re reading the Sex and Relationships section of Trinity News, it’s probably fair to assume you’re familiar with the five love languages. They’ve found their way into Gen-Z culture and become a shorthand for what kind of person you