Trinity’s safety net policy is not enough

A safety net policy should acknowledge the effects coronavirus has on students right now

The talk of future employers devaluing grades awarded during the Covid-19 crisis has felt surreal. It is a sensation comparable to when you are listening to someone speak your second language, and you believe your interpretation to be at fault, …

An expansion of tobacco-free Trinity to Halls would undermine students’ autonomy

After a proposal to Council, Darragh McDonagh questions what lengths College should go to in order to stop students from smoking

In January, the Trinity’s Health Promotion Officer visited Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Council to present a proposal which had been circling: the idea of expanding Trinity’s tobacco-free campus to Trinity Hall. The presentation was informal, and designed as

An obsession with careerism shapes Trinity’s society culture

Ursula Dale explores whether Trinity’s vibrant society culture stems from students’ interests or careerism

Our collective memory of Freshers’ Week envisages Trinity’s student culture as a hub of society activity and extracurricular freedom. The vast number of options available to freshers, which particularly resonates with those such as myself who had not been

An obsession with careerism underscores Trinity’s society culture

Ursula Dale explores whether Trinity’s vibrant society culture stems from students’ interests or careerism

Our collective memory of Freshers’ Week envisages Trinity’s student culture as a hub of society activity and extracurricular freedom. The vast number of options available to freshers, which particularly resonates with those such as myself who had not been involved

Fears around the coronavirus are enabling racism

Anxiety and lack of information surrounding covid-19 are no excuse for discriminatory behaviour

“Are people running away from you?” a second-year American student was asked by a Trinity staff member after the student coughed in front of them. When the student, who is of Asian descent, pointed out that it was flu season,

Op-ed: For the Green Party, this election represents hope

Despite being let down by recent governments, these election results represent a notable appetite for change amongst Ireland’s young people

For the Green Party, this election has been phenomenal. The party has expanded its vote, doubled its highest number of TDs, and broken through in new areas like my home county of Limerick. Even taking the surge in support for

Not all Americans fit the stereotype

One student details her study abroad experience and the generalisations that come with being American

You’re sitting on the bus, minding your own business and untangling your headphones when you hear it: the person in front of you telling their friend how irritating Americans are with their ugly accents and boisterous personalities. Then you clock

What does “voting tactically” mean?

Various factors should be considered by students voting in today’s general election

The Saturday February 8 election is an unusual historic opportunity for students, with the most recent Sunday Times Red C poll suggesting the possibility of a lead for a party other than Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil for the first