Don’t attack the striking rail staff

It’s inconvenient that the trains aren’t running. But it’s sickening to mistreat workers for so long.

Crushing inequality, the threat of nuclear annihilation, a Dub that is inexplicably Taoiseach despite a large part of the country believing him to be one of the worst choices for the job and two major strikes in a year; it

Australia’s Same-Sex Postal Vote: a rocky path to marriage equality

A visiting student reflects on the Australian and Irish experiences of voting for marriage equality

The Australian Prime Minister personally supports same-sex marriage. Our previous Prime Minister does not (he was recently head-butted in the street by a same-sex marriage supporter). The Liberals – the incumbent political party – have a bizarre stance on same-sex

Brits in: reclaiming British-Irish identity

Contemporary Irish nationalism needs to think about how it can expand to facilitate Ulster protestant identity should a united Ireland come about

When Leopold Bloom, the hero of James Joyce’s Ulysess, is asked by an abusive Nationalist to define the word “nation”, he calls it “the same people living in the same place … or in different places”.

Bloom’s definition is strikingly

Voluntourism perpetuates racism and apathy

Volunteer abroad programmes aimed at young people are more concerned with their interests than those of the people they are supposed to be helping.

Many students partake in volunteering abroad, and organisations such as Volunteer Eco Students Abroad (VESA) run programmes designed for and marketed toward young people. Often, the marketing of the experience, as well as the experience itself, can be problematic and

The Burkean Journal is a useless addition to the world

The new publication fails to offer anything other than rehashed and incoherent political narratives

I am not going to beat around the bush. I am the embodiment of all that the Burkean Journal hates: a liberal/leftist/progressive/feminist/[delete error]/whatever they call people who believe that the 19th century isn’t a century to be copied. And I’m

Political culture in Trinity is suffocating

Many people use societies and the Students’ Union to advance their own political agenda

I suspect the conflict over the changing of Dublin University Gender Equality Society’s (DUGES) official name to DU Feminist Society (FemSoc) is confusing to many new Trinity students. The Central Societies Committee (CSC) holds that it does not wish to