The coup against Corbyn is a necessary evil to save the Labour party and British politics

Martin O’Donnell argues that while Corbyn’s views are popular among members of the Labour Party, he lacks the necessary qualities to be a capable leader.


The decision by the British people to leave the European Union was a seismic one, the consequences of which are beginning to be felt already, in spite of the fact that it will be at least two years until the …

Traveller Ethnicity Needs to be Recognised

” You need to be born into the group to be one. One cannot simply become an Irish Traveller”


Once more in its long history the Irish state has proven itself unable, and it seems unwilling, to cherish all children of the nation equally.  Despite recent recommendations of international bodies to grant ethnic minority status to Irish Travellers, the

Significant shift in the concept of mother and father in the last 100 years

Luca Arfini explores the changes in the meaning of the words “mother” and “father” and discusses the blurring of roles in more recent years


Parenting refers to the practice of what parents actually do, how they educate their children. It is seen as “natural” in our society and is mostly linked to a positive feeling, instead of childless couples who are seen as unhappy.

Mental health, spirituality and faith – in defense of the Catholic Church

The benefits and positives that religion can provide are rarely highlighted in the mainstream media

OP-EDThe Catholic Church is probably one of the most controversial institutions in modern day Ireland. This is, in fairness, for very understandable reasons concerning the failings of the leadership of the Catholic Church in the past especially concerning the handling

Pinkwashing co­-opts LGBTQ progress to bolster the political establishment

While the Yes vote was a victory for the LGBTQ community in Ireland, it is being used to entrench many other forms of oppression.


It is approaching a year since Ireland became the first country to legalise marriage between people of the same gender via referendum. Speaking in Dublin Castle after the result was announced, Enda Kenny declared, “All people will now have an …

Why the Yes to USI campaign failed

Former auditor of the L&H Eoin MacLachlan outlines why UCD students chose to remain disaffiliated from the Union of Students in Ireland

COMMENTThe rejection of USI by UCD students was primarily due to a rushed and ineffective Yes to USI campaign, a product of hubris and ineptitude. Announced only two weeks prior to the UCDSU elections, they were arrogant in thinking that

The Political Passivity of the Trinity left

Marooned in Trinity’s middle class campus culture, the Trinity left has lost its connection to real political movements, argues William Foley


Leon Trotsky once said of the writer Dobrolyubov that his satire would remain relevant “as long as it was considered a social merit to preach the rudiments of a cheap liberalism”. In College the dynamics of social popularity are often …