
The law of the land

Comhall Fanning investigates the influence of religion on the morality behind law across the globe.

The functions of the law are to keep peace, shape moral standards, promote social justice, resolve disputes and protect the liberties and rights of a country’s citizens. But how do we decide the moral values that underpin these rules? Religion …

Life, News

Understanding the Hijab

Established in 2013 by Nazma Khan, World Hijab Day seeks to break down some of the ignorance and misunderstanding about the practice of wearing the hijab


World Hijab Day was founded in 2013 by an American Muslim woman, Nazma Khan, who sought to break down some of the ignorance and misunderstanding about the practice of wearing a hijab, the headscarf.  This practice is observed in more


What a public lecture can teach you about the role of religion in political campaigns

Niall Maher attended a public lecture led by Professor David Hempton to learn about the role religion played in the recent election of Donald Trump


On Wednesday January 11, Professor David Hempton gave an illuminating public lecture on the subject of “Religion and Political Culture in the United States” in the School of Ecumenics/Loyola Institute. Professor Hempton is an Irish historian and dean of the …


Islam: a misunderstood religion

Coco Millar argues that we shouldn’t allow the right-wing media to dictate our view of Islam

“Historically, ‘othering’ our fellow humans has been the easy solution for avoiding addressing real problems”

The world is changing and some may argue, ending. The blame for the rise of the alt-right and neo-nazism is almost always based upon a


Mental health, spirituality and faith – in defense of the Catholic Church

The benefits and positives that religion can provide are rarely highlighted in the mainstream media

OP-EDThe Catholic Church is probably one of the most controversial institutions in modern day Ireland. This is, in fairness, for very understandable reasons concerning the failings of the leadership of the Catholic Church in the past especially concerning the handling


Faith in Irish schools

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin explains why he supports the divestment movement, and where he thinks the resistance to it is coming from.


Divestment. Patronage. Ethos. Faith formation. These are some of the words at the centre of what has become an increasingly heated debate in recent months about the divestment of religion from Irish schools – but start trying to explain


On being ‘religious’ in college

Jason McCann talks through his experience of attitudes towards religion in college.


Perhaps one of the most wonderful experiences of being liberated into the college environment is the exposure to such an eclectic mix of interesting people, whether that is in lectures, the numerous student societies, or the endless mill of invitations