
A throwaway problem

Caoimhe Gordon reports on the proposed governmental levy of 10 to 15 cent on each takeaway drink

During my youthful musings on the collegiate version of myself, I always pictured myself striding with purpose through the bustling city streets, clutching a takeaway cup of caffeinated fuel to get myself through the day.

Despite the fact that I


The rise of starbucks

Emma McCarthy argues that the soulless efficiency of starbucks is something worth fighting against

“I am immediately sceptical of a coffee-chain whose menu is largely comprised of coffee drizzled with layers of unnecessary embellishment.”

If the Twelve Days of Christmas were rewritten to suit modern day, it’s highly possible that your true love would


Climate Change and Coffee

Caoimhe Gordon discusses how global warming is placing a student’s beverage of choice under threat


Every year, a similar trend emerges among the Trinity student body as the days begin to grow shorter. The temperature appears to be the only thing dropping faster than the average student’s enthusiasm to attend lectures. There only seems to …


How I’m dealing with caffeine withdrawal

Coffee addict Naoise Dolan reports on her efforts to overcome caffeine addiction


I’m Naoise, and I have a problem. A 600-milligrams-per-day problem. As addictions go, caffeine is fairly manageable. Aldi do a mainly-potable instant brand (tip: stick a pinch of salt in it to even out the flavour) that has lit my …