
We should become the nation of a hundred thousand welcomes

Neasa Candon reflects on how our Irish identity of welcoming others and overcoming suffering are at odds with the truth, and how we can reconcile them in the future

The eve of St. Patrick’s Day saw Social Democrats Counsellor Gary Gannon launch the second issue of the international magazine, Trinity Frontier. In opening his address, Gannon joked about the great task ahead of him: a local politician, whose daily


Tuam is just the tip of the iceberg

In the wake of the discovery of the graves at Tuam, Ríona Morris argues that Ireland continues to drive out and institutionalise its vulnerable

Last week, Irish people reacted with horror to the uncovering of the remains of several hundred infants in the underground chambers of Tuam Mother and Baby Home. In less than two weeks, we will take to the streets draped in