
What growing up in a queer family means to me

I wouldn’t trade my parents for any smiling hetero two-kids-one-dog couple.

comment1I hear people all the time talking about how, 10 years ago, you just couldn’t imagine same-sex couples getting married. I could. 10 years ago, my newer mum moved in (I tried about 10 different phrases for that, believe me …


Not your typical killjoys

Killjoy Prophets, a collective of feminist women of colour, have risen to prominence through the #NotMyChristianLeader hashtag.


Contemporary feminism in the western world has already set itself apart in tone from the movements that preceded it. It is already being referred to by the media as “fourth-wave feminism” in order to acknowledge that it is doing things …


From Karbalā to Milltown via the South Circular Road

Michael Lanigan talks Islam and ISIS with Mudafar al-Tawash, a leader of Dublin’s Sunni community.

indepth1The Irish Sunni population flock in their droves each Friday to fill the Islamic Foundation of Ireland Mosque, on the South Circular Road, which, as its peak capacity, can accommodate about 800 persons. Like a condensed Mecca, the crowds spill …