
College Health Service error in correspondence results in student being put in “physical danger”

The Health Service sent correspondence to the student’s home address against their wishes



The College Health Service has contradicted a student’s instructions not to send any correspondence to their parents’ address, resulting in severe emotional and financial distress for the student.

The student had previously given explicit notification to the College Health Service


SU Council votes on motions on academic senate and legislation on scientific censorship

Both motions were passed at tonight’s SU Council


Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) Council has passed motions on the formation of an Academic Senate and on support for legislation against scientific censorship.


The motion mandating TCDSU to form an Academic Senate was proposed by Education Officer Dale

Life, News

TCDSU Ents Officer reacts to first Trinity Ball acts

Ents Officer Padraic Rowley gives Trinity News his take on the first four acts announced to play at Trinity Ball


With Trinity Ball just over two months away, the first acts of the line-up were announced earlier this week. The Riptide Movement, Wilkinson, SG Lewis and Nick Johnson are all scheduled to perform at the on-campus event. Trinity News spoke …


Trinity based research group awarded €560,000 to research 5G technology

The award is part of the €5m ORCA project to support the EU’s connectivity plan


A research group based at the CONNECT Centre in Trinity has been awarded €560,000 to research 5G technology.

The award is part of a €5m Orchestration and Reconfiguration Control Architecture (ORCA) project, which is funded by the European Union’s (EU)

Life, News

The Hist and Pol Soc’s US Election lock-in

Sinéad Harrington went to the The Hist and PolSoc’s election lock-in and reports on the high tension event.


“The true political enthusiast could be found huddled around these monitors, watching for each and every development in the swing states. The walls were covered with maps of the US and county maps of the swing states, ensuring that every


Patti Smith recieves the Burke Medal at the Hist

The award-winning author, poet and influential singer-songwriter warmly accepted the Medal for Oustanding Contribution to Discourse through the Arts yesterday at the GMB.



“She communicated an inspiring message about the power of individuals to effect change in the world, saying: “The people have the power to redeem the work of fools.””

Singer-songwriter Patti Smith visited the Hist yesterday afternoon to receive the Burke


USI launches harm reduction campaign targeting users of psychoactive substances

The campaign comes in light of figures showing consumption levels in Ireland are highest in Europe


The Union of Students of Ireland (USI), in cooperation with and the Health Service Executive (HSE) have launched a new campaign targeting people who consume new psychoactive substances (NSP). The harm reduction campaign was launched in the Institute of …


University of Limerick denies allegations of misconduct

Higher Education Authority wants to hold independent inquiry into financial irregularities at UL



The University of Limerick (UL) has rejected calls by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to launch an independent inquiry into allegations of misconduct at the university.

The allegations concern the treatment of staff members and former employees who drew attention


Government introduces €4 million grant scheme for low-income postgraduate students

The grant will be made available to 1,100 postgraduate students

PhD students- Nadia Bertaud


The government has announced the introduction of a full maintenance grant for 1,100 postgraduate students as part of Budget 2017. The grant, worth almost €6,000, will be made available to students in the lowest income category.

The scheme is part


TCDSU holds education campaign meeting ahead of USI rally

The meeting aimed at generating ideas to encourage participation in the march

Education online


TCDSU held an Education Campaign Meeting this evening in advance of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Rally for Education on 19 October. The meeting, led by SU President Kieran McNulty and Education Officer Dale O’Faoilléacháin, aimed to generate …