
European Southern Observatory scheduled to make mystery announcement following Ireland’s plans to join in 2018

An increase in the budget for innovation in 2018 will finally allow Ireland to become a member of the 16-nation organisation

Spoiler alert: the mystery announcement is completely unrelated to Ireland’s joining the European Southern Observatory (ESO), but is nonetheless very exciting, featuring something never-before-seen, according to Observatory.

This announcement will now be of particular interest to Irish astrophysicists, as an


Trinity researcher travels on Zero-G ‘Vomit Comet’ to study steam-powered spacecraft

The experiments are part of Dr. Robinson’s work for the European Space Agency

Dr. Tony Robinson, a professor of Mechanical and Manufacturing engineering at Trinity College Dublin and researcher at Trinitys Connect centre is part of a team of scientists and engineers who advise and guide the European Space Agency. Dr. Robinson was


The Search For Extraterrestrial Life

Carol explores the origins and new developments in the search for intelligent life forms outside planet Earth.

For those keeping an eye on the stars, and with an interest in extraterrestrial life, the past few months have been exciting ones. Last July saw the announcement of a 100 million US dollar search for intelligent life in space. …


NASA finds evidence for liquid water on Mars

Una Harty reports on the recent announcement by NASA about the discovery of liquid water on the planet Mars.


If you type “mars” into google, the first suggestion that Google presents you with is “mars water”. The idea was put forward initially in 2010 when undergraduate student, Lujendra Ojha from the University of Arizona, found transitory streaks on the …


Exciting year ahead for NASA exploration

Coming up in the year ahead: some exciting space exploration milestones.

Science Header2015 marks an exciting year for unprecedented space exploration in our solar system. Right this moment, as you are chilling on Earth, over a million kilometers away (three times the distance from the earth to the moon), NASA’s unmanned space …