
Students’ union and College Health in row over blood testing for trans self-medication

College maintains that their policy, branded by the union as “shameful”, remains unchanged

College confirmed on Friday that College Health Service’s “treatment practices remain unchanged” despite a statement from Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) suggesting the contrary.

The two bodies appear to be in a row over the provision of blood tests


Trinity Seanad seats to be abolished ending exclusive voting rights for Trinity graduates

Cabinet plans will grant Seanad franchise to all Irish citizens who graduate from higher level institutions in the country

Government Cabinet ministers are expected today to approve plans to extend Seanad voting rights to all higher education graduates, abolishing Trinity’s Seanad panel.

Under the new legislation, a six seat “higher education” panel will replace the existing University of Dublin


New Lord Mayor of Dublin: “I’m not saying Dublin City is in crisis, but I do think we’re at a flex point”

Fine Gael Councillor James Geoghegan spoke to Trinity News about Dublin City Council’s plans for the city and its suburbs

James Geoghegan, the recently appointed Lord Mayor of Dublin, cannot be accused of being a lame duck. This is in spite of Geoghegan being tipped for a seat in the Dáil as Fine Gael’s chosen candidate for Dublin Bay South,


National students’ union votes to establish ethnic minority support groups on all university campuses

The motion was proposed by TCDSU following the establishment of a similar initiative last year

The Union of Students’ in Ireland (USI) will be mandated to support the establishment of ethnic minority support groups on college campuses following a motion at the union’s national congress this week.

The motion was proposed by Trinity College Dublin


Notes on the Students’ Union: In conversation with László Molnárfi

The union’s outgoing president reflects on a year of activity, the future of student radicalism, and its impact on his life

László Molnárfi is not a fan of the first person singular pronoun – in fact, he often corrected himself on its usage during his end-of-year interview with Trinity News. When speaking of his time as Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union


“Ireland Free Speech Summit” to be held in Trinity featuring right-wing and conservative guests speakers

This is the second notable event hosted by Free Speech Ireland on campus

A “free speech summit”, which will feature Irish and international speakers, has been organised by Free Speech Ireland and will take place today in Trinity’s Thomas Davis lecture Theatre.

Free Speech Ireland is “an advocacy group championing free speech and


TDs celebrate College decision to divest from Israel, credit power of student protests

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik called on College to rescind the €214K fine imposed on the students’ union

Teachtaí Dála from across the party spectrum have celebrated College’s decision to take steps to fully divest from Israeli companies and to establish a taskforce to review its academic ties toIsraeli institutions.

This has been heralded as a landmark win