Shifting the conversation on housing

Misdirected and neglectful political and media treatment of the housing protest signal a government without scruples

Much of the public and media reaction to the recent occupation of city centre properties, and the subsequent law enforcement response, has been deeply disappointing. Commentators are too fixated on whether the protest was “legitimate”. There is an inordinate amount …

Trinity continues to fall from grace

Dwindling CAO applicants, falling world rankings, and a worsening accommodation crisis paint the picture of a university in decline

Trinity is a university that has relied upon and thrived under its reputation. The college has a rich history, esteemed scholars, and a picturesque campus in a central location that has kept students coming for centuries. Is that reputation crumbling

“The drink is a curse”

Taking a more serious look than the Hardy Bucks, Laura Beston reflects on our relationship to alcohol

This day nine months ago marked a huge change for me. Waking up hungover from a Christmas work party, little would I know that this could be the last hangover I ever had. I have received many questions as to

Satire and the limits of free speech

Satire as a genre cannot excuse all manners of hatred and cruelty under the guise of “free speech”

In recent years, social media has diverged from its initial intended purpose – transforming a network of connections between individuals into hugely popular online platforms for discussion. Political and social discourse is no longer limited to parliaments and college debating

Are the expectations placed on our generation too much?

Extortionate living costs, and the world’s climate at crisis point – without proper mental health supports, young people today have little chance

Enough is known about mental health to realise the enormous impact that environment can have upon it. Living costs in Ireland have escalated to a crisis point and are placing prodigious amounts of pressure on our generation, and it doesn’t …

It is time to challenge fat shaming on campus

The double standard when it comes to bodies and our self control is all too evident

“My body, my choice” was one of the great rallying cries of the Repeal movement. Bodily autonomy is one of the most important battlegrounds for any kind of freedom-based ethos, and step by step we’re getting there. The “tattoos and

The power players of Trinity

Here is who shapes the news stories you read about

We’ve made a list this Freshers’ Week of people who we think will shape the news stories in Trinity, this year and a little further into the future. Partly because it’s always worth knowing who makes the decisions that affect