“Students’ unions shouldn’t hide behind ‘legal advice’” – Kevin Keane

In light of UCDSU President Katie Ascough removing information on access to abortion pills from freshers’ handbooks, TCDSU President Kevin Keane states the importance of student movements in creating change

The law surrounding access to the abortion pill has been widely discussed in the student movement and beyond in the past week or so.

The abortion pill is a medicine that has been approved for use by the World Health

Pushing the public services card on you and me

How the newly-empowered public services card is going to lead us into an “eGovernment”

Something is about to happen in government administration that will alter how we access public services and where we stand in relation to our government. That is the state’s decision to make the Public Services Card (PSC) instrumental to the

I want to make the most of my time at Trinity

We asked one of our writers to look ahead and tell us what she wants to achieve this year.

After successfully surviving one year of college, and spending four long summer months considering how I am going to approach this year differently, there is so much that I aspire to be in the next year.

Studying law and a

Has the HPAT really failed to measure empathy?

Results of the HPAT empathy test do not correlate with scales we typically use to measure empathy. Is this a design flaw of the paper?

A study from University College Cork has recently been published investigating the link between medical students’ scores on HPAT Section 2 and a questionnaire called the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy.

The researchers’ conclusion was that “JSE [Jefferson Scale of

Charlottesville: Tolerate or Condemn?

Tolerance and resistance should not be mutually exclusive.

The images from Charlottesville this summer were truly horrific. The actions of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in killing a counter-protester, making racist, anti-Semitic, and intolerant statements shocked the conscience of the United States.  The dark underbelly of American society was

In praise of cycling

Life on two wheels can be chaotic, but cycling has many benefits.

Cycling in Dublin is an experience in itself. It is an eco-friendly, healthy and efficient mode of transport in a city with an ever-growing population – yet it still remains a difficult and hazardous task to successfully navigate the city …

Where you come from is irrelevant here

Don’t believe the dismal stories: give Trinity a chance and it will amaze you

I write from inside my empty kitchen, overlooking the Halls courtyard, the night before 1000 first years descend on this miniature concrete rainforest, like I did: apprehensive. Tabloids and broadsheets alike herald Trinity as the sole relic of the class

George Hook and his comments have no place on the airwaves

Rather than with Hook and his ilk, our sympathies lie with those he has offended.

At time of writing, George Hook has been suspended from Newstalk with immediate effect, following the furore surrounding his now infamous comments on rape earlier this month. Most will now be familiar with what he said. The substance of Hook’s

Pro-life to pro-choice: confessions from a convert

On July 4, 2015 I attended the Rally for Life in Dublin. This September 30 I will be attending my first March for Choice.

I was working as a research assistant in College the summer after my first year. I saw the Rally for Life posters every day on my route to and from work but hadn’t seriously considered attending until the day of