
Trinity team wins Jailbreak 2016

Michael and Aoife, ‘The Absolute Chancers’, were first to reach Kościuszko Mound in Krakow

Jailbreak 2016 has seen a Trinity team come in first place. Michael McGrath and Aoife Curtin were the first of 90 competing teams to reach Kościuszko Mound in Krakow. Just as the winning team was announced, the goal of 50,000 …


Trinity Ents gears up for new 11 day long RAG Week

This week’s events include the Rose of Trinity, the Trinity Games and Trinity Come Dancing


Rag Week kicks off next Monday with VDP’s  Rose of Trinity; Katie Cogan, student union entertainment officer, spoke to Trinity News about her plans for the week.

Rag Week will run this year for nearly two weeks, from Monday the