
Merkel to students: Europe holds promise of “freedom, peace and prosperity”

James Wilson

Staff Writer

  • Chancellor champions EU project, claims to have “every respect” for Ireland’s trials
  • Taoiseach accompanies German delegation, says he wants to “listen to young minds”

Protesting members of the Trinity Socialist Worker Student Party (SWSS) were moved …


Better in than out

Rory O’Donoghue

Staff Writer

Lock all the doors, cover over the windows, close all entry points! The hoards of immigrants are coming and they are armed with EU regulations to destroy life as we know it!”

I accept that this …


Why the UK should leave the EU

Maxton Milner


The United Kingdom, more than any other EU member state, does not fit into the political construct which is the EU: it refuses to join the Schengen Area; has comprehensively rejected the Euro; and clings to certain …