Societies: navigating a versatile landscape

With an overwhelming number of societies to join, it’s key to remember what you want most out of college

Every year, whether you’re a Fresher or a returning student, the anticipation of Freshers’ Week builds up to five days of events and nights out that start the academic year with a bang. Possibly the most lively event is the Freshers’ Fair. This can be overwhelming for anyone walking through Front Square, and knowing what society may suit you is a difficult one. To help guide you down a route that can be vague and mysterious, here are some situations you may find yourself in, and what societies that could best cater to you.

It may not seem like a priority but networking and making connections is a real issue playing on certain career-orientated minds. Whether you’re business minded or interested in the world of foreign affairs, societies like the Trinity Entrepreneurial Society (TES), Dublin University Business and Economics Society (DUBES), and the Society of International Affairs (SOFIA) are good options. TES and DUBES are great for entrepreneurial competitions, mixers, and, of course, the BESS Ball. SOFIA engages with a lot of political and cultural speakers, as well as hosting their annual Ambassador’s Ball where you can sit down for a meal with an ambassador of your choice and pick their brains on the current affairs of the world.

If you’re looking for somewhere to explore your creative and artistic side, societies like DU Players, Fashion Soc, DU Music, and LitSoc are for you. These societies provide great events, with the Fashion Society’s annual fashion show and DU Music’s Battle of the Bands. DU Players run workshops and projects that are open for anyone to submit pieces. Their Player’s Introductory Programme (PIPs) is also great for anyone anxious to get involved and try something new. LitSoc is the literary society in Trinity, home to many English students, but also a great place for interesting and varied guest speakers and activities – perfect for any bookworm.

For those of you who are not so intrigued by the arts, there are many societies who take a different approach. The Environmental Society, Geographical Society and General Science Society look at environmental and scientific issues in an inclusive and open forum for all students. Space Soc is also an interesting society for those interested in the discussion of life and science beyond our world.

It’s easy to say that College is always buzzing with activity and excitement, and for the most part, it is. Unfortunately, this may not be realistic in the day to day life of a student. Outside of the first few weeks of college and RAG Week, it may seem like things are at a lull. You may find that you’re coming home to nap and Netflix more often than you’d expected. Fortunately, there are some societies that are guaranteed to always have something going on. DU Film and DU Food and Drink are prime examples of taking something as relaxed as watching a movie or eating food and making it a social activity.

By going along to one of FilmSoc’s many public screenings, your cravings for Netflix are satiated with the added bonus of human contact at a price of minimum effort. Similarly, the Food and Drink Society are passionate foodies who revel in the wondrous flavours of the world. Their events focus around exploring different foods and delicacies, as well as a lovely glass of wine here and there. If you love food and meeting new people, this is the society for you.

Society life can be tricky in finding what’s right for you. The important thing to remember is that at the end of the day, it’s about getting involved in something you enjoy, and meeting new interesting people along the way. Don’t stress because there is something out there for you and if there isn’t, start your own!