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Uproar over CAO random selection offers an opportunity to address systemic issues
When this year’s Central Applications Office (CAO) offers were released at 2pm on Wednesday, August 28, the debate about random selection...
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The highs and lows of TCDSU 2023/24
Compared to previous years, this cohort of sabbatical officers has been the most politically active in recent history. As the face of the...
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College was a brutal training ground, and I’d do it all again
College is a training ground for young people, but in Trinity’s culture that training ground can come at personal cost. In Trinity, I...
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Student journalism: political without a capital p?
When reporter Charlie Bird began his career at RTE, he carried a dictionary in his pocket. He found himself constantly searching for the...
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Irish citizens abroad deserve to have their voices heard in elections
In the lead up to my 18th birthday, two things were top priority on my to-do list: apply for my age card and register to vote. Throughout...