The white paper on Direct Provision is a step forward, but not far enough

The Irish government must do more for asylum seekers coming to Ireland

The much-awaited White Paper on Ending Direct Provision by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman was published publicly at the end of last month. The government in Dublin has committed to developing the much-touted new and

Towards a Radically New Student Union

TCDSU’s incoming sabbatical officers have a duty to prioritise student engagement; they need to find new ways of doing so

The last referendum held by Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) saw only 652 students vote, a mere 4% of the student body. It can be argued, as many candidates running in the upcoming SU elections have done, that you …

We must move towards a radically new union

TCDSU’s incoming sabbatical officers have a duty to prioritise student engagement

Before the most recent sabbatical elections, the last referendum held by Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) saw only 652 students vote, a mere 4% of the student body. It can be argued, as many candidates running in the recent

Breaking down barriers: it’s up to Trinity to facilitate online language exchanges

Irish people are statistically less likely to speak foreign languages than their European counterparts – college could help to change that

Parlez-vous une langue étrangère? Just 13% of the overall Irish population describe themselves as multilingual in a language other than Irish or English, according to figures from the last census. Many European countries share multiple borders which in theory should …

Trinity cannot rely on greenwashing

Trinity has a responsibility to set in place a climate strategy, and the next Provost should be at the forefront of this

Institutions such as Trinity are not exempt from greenwashing practices. Greenwashing, defined as an organisation deceptively using green values to persuade the public that their actions and policies are environmentally friendly, is driven by the heightened demand for sustainable practices …

This year’s TCDSU elections saw students favour experience over soundbites

With the new sabbatical team now chosen, it is clear voters were swayed by institutional knowledge and capability rather than outsiders

Thursday saw the conclusion of the TCDSU’s sabbatical elections. Following two weeks of solely digital campaigning, Leah Keogh, Bev Genockey, Greg Arrowsmith, Sierra Mueller Owens, Aoife Cronin and Emer Moreau were elected to the roles of President, Education Officer, Ents

We should embrace the possibility of Scottish independence

Scottish independence could be hugely influential on the formation of a United Ireland, writes Fionnán Uíbh Eachach

Promised a “devolution revolution” by Prime Minister David Cameron following the failed 2014 Scottish independence referendum, Scotland now finds itself at the whim of a Westminster government that has little interest in hearing its concerns. Much like Ireland a century …

The final hustings of the campaign season solidified expectations

Most candidates took a final opportunity to differentiate themselves from the pack at Halls hustings, but some questions could have been replaced by more pressing concerns, writes Sophie Furlong Tighe

The word “furthermore” was a recurring theme of the JCR’s Halls Hustings. The Halls specific questions from Halls were notably challenging, often containing two or three questions within them. In a phenomenon which is either a symptom of candidates’ responses