Making College more Accessible: Damien McClean, Welfare Candidate

Current Citizenship Officer Damien McClean talks accessibility, pronoun recognition from College and his Study Balance Week

Damien McClean is a Senior Sophister Mathematician from Louth. He is currently the Citizenship Officer in the Students’ Union and a Student Ambassador in the Global Room.

While recalling his first year at Trinity, McClean says “I did not feel

Putting a focus back on Mental Health: Meabh Cullen, Welfare Candidate

Mental Health Mondays, healthy recipes and drug safety are what Welfare Candidate Meabh Cullen wishes to implement as Welfare officer

Meabh Cullen is a third year Environmental Science student who is heavily involved with the Disability Service within Trinity. She serves as both an ambassador for the Disability Service, and as a Part-Time officer for Students with Disabilities in the

Boosting the “community feel” in College: Rachel Skelly, Welfare Candidate

Getting students physically active, widening conversations surrounding consent and sexual assault and promoting a better environment for student wellbeing in College are key priorities for Rachel Skelly

Rachel Skelly is a Junior Sophister Single Honours Geographer from Clontarf, Dublin. Last April, she was elected the Students’ Union’s Gender Equality Officer. Along with society tasks and work on gender issues, Skelly has also participated in a number of

“Being stressed with college and assignments are struggles everyone goes through in college”: Emma Purser Welfare Candidate

Seana Davis catches up with Emma to see why she thinks she should be Welfare Officer

Emma Purser is a Senior Sophister World Religions and Theology student from Stradbally, Co. Laois. She is an S2S peer supporter, a current member of the SU Lobby Group and Liaison Officer for QSoc. She has been an SU Class

Keeping up with College: UT candidate Dominic McGrath

University Times editor candidate Dominic McGrath looks set to bolster the paper’s coverage of College research and sport as well as widening the paper’s scope to support aspiring journalists

University Times editor candidate Dominic McGrath has emphasised his past experience working with the paper over the past three years; from deputy news editor, to news editor and now holding the deputy editor position under current Editor Sinéad Baker, it’s …

Numbers of Irish students opting for the HPV Vaccine drops considerably

Caoimhe Gordon explores the reasoning behind falling rates of vaccination and why a general distrust of vaccinations continues to be prevalent in Ireland


“The three of the most Googled searches for the vaccine in Ireland all involve phrases such as ‘controversy’, ‘side effect’ and ‘is it safe?’” 

A Trinity professor has criticised the lasting impact that fearmongering online has had on the Irish …

Tackling the “insider culture” of the SU: Education candidate Alice MacPherson

Current Education candidate Alice MacPherson on depoliticisation, Women in Leadership and her changed stance on fees


Alice MacPherson is a Senior Sophister History and English student and is the candidate in the uncontested race for Education Officer of the SU.

In an interview with Trinity News, MacPherson expressed her surprise that four of six sabbatical positions

Comms and Marketing: Interview with Úna Harty

“The biggest part of Communications is listening”


Úna Harty, JS Nanoscience student, is the sole candidate in this year’s Communications and Marketing Officer election. Trinity News say down with Úna to ask about her qualifications,  her plans for the role and her views on the SU.
