Financial support for PhD students in Ireland is an afterthought to the government at best

The lack of funding faced by PhD researchers is a refusal to fund the future of third-level education in Ireland

Lack of funding for PhD degrees is plaguing aspiring academics. Unfortunately, many who hope to one day teach or research at third-level institutions in Ireland are forced to reckon with grim practicality a financial hellscape that will persist during

It is never too early to start teaching consent, but it can be too late

Whilst sexual consent education workshops are becoming more and more common in universities unless the foundations are taught in secondary schools we are fighting a losing battle

In April of 2021, students across Ireland received an email containing a link to a Higher Education Authority (HEA) survey on student experiences of sexual violence and sexual harassment. The findings from it, published in January 2022, made for depressing,

Landlord TDs do not deserve our pity

The Robert Troy scandal has shone a light on the dangerous conflict of interest between landlord TDs and their constituents

August is a long time in politics.

Since coming into power in June 2020, the coalition government of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and the Green Party have not survived a Dáil summer recess without enduring a national scandal, resulting in

Sexual liberation versus college-life expectation: hook-up culture in college

Hook-up culture in college creates an unhealthy pressure to partake for fear that of missing out, and for some it just might be better as an idea than in reality

We live in a society where discussing sex is as casual as talking about what you’re going to have for dinner. While this allows for liberation, exploration, and non-judgemental attitudes towards sexuality and sensuality, I believe that it also promotes

Minimum effort about minimum wage from the government

The new budget’s minimum wage increase will do little to help the cost of living crisis

The 80-cent minimum wage increase from €10.50 to €11.30 fails to accurately reflect the increased cost of living in Ireland, and will fail workers. While Ireland’s minimum wage is relatively high compared to many European neighbours, Ireland also stands next

Instead of protecting women’s sports, the IRFU’s exclusion of transgender women is actively harming it

Women’s sports have historically been a place of open-mindedness and active change, however the IRFU’s decision seems to be a disappointing step back

Amid rising transphobia and increasingly discriminatory practices against transgender people in Ireland, this latest setback for transgender women is yet another decision driven by ignorance. The IRFU’s (Irish Rugby Football Union) ban on transgender women participating in contact rugby is

In defence of trigger warnings on university reading lists

While a widely debated topic in the media these days, those who oppose trigger warnings do so out of a misunderstanding of their purpose

As an English student, I often encounter difficult subject matter due to the nature of thoroughly engaging with literature. Whether it be colonialism, racism, sexual assault, or any number of other topics, it is essential to engage with these complexities. …

Progress only stops when we do, and the pattern shows we stop too soon

As the free contraception scheme for women aged 17-25 comes into effect, we must remain actively present in the conversation in order for unprecedented accessibility obstacles to be amended quickly and effectively

Many steps forward have been taken for women in Ireland in recent years. Conversations about gender inequality, from areas as far-ranging as female opportunities in STEM, our right to bodily autonomy and sexual violence against Irish women, are ongoing, with