Going home for the summer can do more harm than good

For many, summer-time is a time for relaxation and celebration; but for some students it’s a period of heightened isolation and vulnerability

The summer holidays are anticipated year-round by secondary school students eager to ditch the tedium of early starts and all else required by a daily school routine. Similarly, returning home to one’s family and home town brings a welcome respite …

The Student Counselling Service changed my perception of professional help

Counselling isn’t necessarily always a success story, but a positive experience with Trinity counselling services has given this student invaluable help

My first experience of counselling was a terrible one. I was 12 when I started self-harming, 13 when my parents found out, and soon afterwards, I found myself driven to the local health centre every fortnight to speak to a

Wild Ball shows students what conservation should mean for activists, and what it can achieve

In an increasingly disengaged and uninterested student body, events like this year’s Wild Ball shows the success and importance of conservation efforts.

March 26 marked the greatly successful union of a number of societies with mutual interests, in order to host an evening full of all the usual trimmings of a society ball, but with a philanthropic goal. The extent to which

The national bed-time: Why Ireland’s licensing laws should be consigned to the 20th century

The laws and limits holding back the country’s nightlife are decaying an important part of Ireland’s youth culture

You’re deep in the bowels of the club. You’ve just necked the grim remainder of your double vodka-Redbull. It’s done the job you needed it to do. As you begin to hit your stride on a packed dance-floor, your inhibitions

Op-ed: The UT referendum is a disproportionate response to its Knights story

Provost Patrick Prendergast argues that the referendum is an unreasonable response to the bugging controversy

In recent weeks, there has been enormous media interest of the reporting of the University Times into the activities of the Knights of the Campanile. Students are wrestling with the ethical, legal, and journalistic questions that have arisen, and soon

English students aren’t writing enough

Despite its reputation, the first two years of English in Trinity are failing to develop students’ writing skills

The hopeful English student arrives to university with two goals in mind: to refine their core beliefs by discovering other human ideas and, very importantly, to develop enviable writing skills. Personally, my highest hopes have been realised regarding the former