Northern Ireland set for another year with no local government: But how did we get here?

Trinity News talks about what has happened to government in the North, and where it might go next

Since the Good Friday Agreement in April 1998, Northern Ireland has been led by a power-sharing executive that demands cooperation from both Nationalist and Unionist parties to function. Tension between the parties and a failure to unite is, of course,

Student accommodation crisis

Trinity News investigates the ongoing student accommodation crisis affecting students in Ireland

Finding accommodation, specifically in Dublin, has always been a challenge for students. If you are not part of the fortunate few who secure a spot on College campus or Trinity Hall, students have to undertake the lengthy, stressful and often …

Speaking Out against Bullying on Campus

How can different universities around Ireland create a zero-tolerance culture on campus?

There have been a number of developments in support for third-level students who have experienced bullying or harassment on campus in recent years. With the return of in-person teaching, temporarily isolated college and university communities have resumed interaction, and some

Poppers: Sex Drug to Party Drug

Inhaled through the nose, the sex-drug-turned-party-drug provides users with an instant head rush lasting only a few minutes

Alkyl nitrates, a group of chemicals more commonly known as poppers have become an essential for young adults on a night out. Inhaled through the nose, the sex-drug-turned-party-drug provides users with an instant head rush lasting only a few minutes. …

How Big Oil Influenced the Public Perception of Climate Change

Investigating the fossil fuel industry’s creation of barriers to information on the reality of the climate crisis, and how to identify their influence

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For decades, the discourse surrounding climate change has been a heavily debated one: questions of “is it real?”, “is it urgent?”, or simply “is it worth the hassle?” arise. While it can and should be recognised as an extremely real,

Is work from home killing the ‘fun’ workspaces?

Trinity News investigates the incentives behind modern millennial workspaces, and their incentives compared to pandemic-induced ‘hybrid’ working models

The move away from more traditional office spaces was spearheaded by Google in 2003, when the tech giant relocated its headquarters to an extensive 2m square foot (45.9 acres) campus aptly titled Googleplex in Mountain View, California. With this move,

The Big Fella

Upon the centenary of the beginning of the Irish Civil War, Trinity News divulges Michael Collins’ contribution to Irish Affairs

Michael Collins remains a divisive figure in Ireland today. Widely known for his participation in the negotiations of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, bringing an end to the War of Independence, gave Ireland freedom on the condition of partition and dominionship

Students saying no to alcohol

Trinity News speaks to students who choose to socialise sober

Ireland and alcohol have always gone hand in hand. We, as a nation, seem to embrace our stereotype of being big drinkers and for many, this label is seen almost as a badge of honour to be worn with great …

Trinity’s Disability and Mental Health Services: An Exploration

Colm Caldwell outlines and evaluates the Disability and Mental Health Services available at Trinity, from the perspective of both staff and students

College can be a tumultuous period in anyone’s life, especially if you suffer from poor mental health or disabilities that challenge your ability to achieve your full potential. The question is: are Trinity’s services adequate for the needs of students