
Magnified societies: Straight to the core

Trinity Life gets the low-down on the society that will bend over backwards to make sure you stay fit, healthy and happy throughout the year.


Feeling the stretch with essays, assignments and group projects? Finding it hard to muster the motivation to venture inside the doors of the gym? Need a way to stay fit, relaxed and make pals all at the same time? Yoga


The world is your gym

Bláithin Sheil gives you all the motivation to keep fit while avoiding costly gym memberships

Do you NEED to go to the gym this year? Is this the year you are finally going to start that barre class, and stick at it? Is this the year that fitness is not going to know what hit …


Confessions of an Amateur Athlete

Bláitín Sheil confesses the day-to-day problems and habits athletes learn to live with.


The Hunger

Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Forget it. There are many more than three meals in a day. The hunger is real, and it can be aggressive. Your library time is measured by your regular “pick-me-up” breaks. Sometimes you try